aycsl@aycsl.com Badalona (Barcelona) +34 932 781 594


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How can we help you?

Contact us for quality electrical solutions! We offer a reliable service, with highly trained technicians and the guarantee of quality of the components.



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Mon - Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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(+34) 932 781 594

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    Basic information on the protection of personal data
    Responsible for the treatment: AUTOMATISMOS y CUADROS, S.L.
    Purpose: Incorporate the information transferred into a database for future communications, news and information regarding the company's services.
    Legitimation: compliance with a mission of public interest (art. 6.1.e GDPR).
    Recipients: data is not communicated to other people.
    Rights of interested parties: you can exercise the rights of access, rectification , deletion, opposition to treatment and limitation request, addressing AUTOMATISMOS y CUADROS, S.L., Avda de Conflent 86, nave 26, Pol. Ind. Pomar de Dalt, 08915 Badalona. (aycsl@aycsl.com)
    You will find additional and detailed information on data protection at www.aycsl.com/politica-de-privacidad/.

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